Blog Posts

Blog posts often end up as run-of-the-mill robotic filler slapped onto a website all because it’s National Pizza Day.* The intention might be good but the fact is - it’s just white noise. It doesn’t do much for your brand and I don’t think you want that.

There’s heaps of stuff I can do for you with just one simple post -

  • Drive traffic to your site

  • Provide content to your audience that is genuinely useful

  • Build your credibility

  • Promote your products and services

  • And… help to make the world a nicer place to be.

I write killer blog posts that give people new ideas - those ah ha! moments that humans crave so often. My posts will make your brand more trustworthy and provide genuine reasons for people to talk to their friends about you. Yes, that’s old school marketing that really does work.

Get blog posts that are all killer, no filler, and become known as a thought-leader in your field!

*No shade to National Pizza Day. I love pizza… but only if it’s vegan.

Check out some of my blog posts…

The good, the bad, and the ugly of shutting up shop for a week.

onHand are an employee volunteering and sustainable action app. They’ve won an armful of awards, including #1 Best Employee Volunteering Engagement Tool. Needless to say I was very excited to be able to work with them!

I wrote a thoughtful, and slightly salty if I do say so myself, commentary on post-pandemic company culture and the common trend of businesses closing down for a week or two. We used this blog post to help other businesses put together robust wellbeing programmes of their own and become more proactive against the beast that is burnout.

You can read the full article here.

How a strong ESG proposition can improve employee wellbeing and boost profits.

Benefex are the people behind OneHub, the award winning employee experience software. They wanted a blog post to debunk the myth that sustainable action in the workplace equals a loss of profits.

Armed with a whole load of research, I helped them give businesses and employees a reason to rethink their current processes and habits. It’s proven that looking after your employees and the planet = big bucks.

Have a read of the full blog post here.

The effects of presenteeism in our new weird world of work.

I worked with onHand to provide some very valuable content in the form a blog post. It helped their clients spot when their employees are becoming overworked, and do something about it before it’s too late.

Giving your clients and customers un-gated content like this is a super powerful marketing technique. It shows your audience that you genuinely care about them, whether they give you their money or not… And there’s a very high chance they will end up giving you their money because of it. Just a nice bit of reverse psychology for you there.

Read the blog post here.

Like what you see? Work with me!